
"I am merely a student in the university of music. Born in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, I was raised on the very small island of Union Island, where I was exposed to cultural Maroon, Garifuna, and Big Drum music. This rich musical heritage was also a part of our school curriculum. With my father being a musician, some of my earliest memories are of guitars, playing around, and detuning the guitar strings, as this was and still is his instrument. I have my mother to thank as well. Very loving, very compassionate, and she herself is a very creative person. She's very good with her hands, colors, and creativity. The older I get, the more I realize I have a lot to credit her for. Initially, I thought my gifts were only from my father since he is musically inclined, but absorbing my beautiful mother over the years, I’ve discovered a whole other creative side inherited from her. I am who I say I am. I was born and given the name Roshik Mason, and now I am known as Mason made through my music. Hopefully, I can keep spreading this love all across the world."

Mason made


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